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Fabric Acoustic Panel

Stof akustisk panel er lavet af glasfiberplade af høj kvalitet med forskellige flammehæmmende stoffer, som er miljøvenligt, godt dekorativt, let installation, ingen støvforurening, meget udbredt, lydabsorption osv.

Fabric acoustic panel is designed to absorb harsh, distracting noises like echo and reverb to help the right sound through and resonate with audiences.

Stofakustisk panel kan bruges bredt til det sted, hvor der er højere krav til akustik, såsom biografer, kirker, kontorer, skoler, multifunktionelle rum, musikrum, auditorier og teatre.

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DIY Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

DIY Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

QDBOSS DIY Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel is made by high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.

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Round Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

Round Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel

QDBOSS Round Acoustic Fabric Wrapped Panel bruger glasfiberplade af høj kvalitet med forskellige flammehæmmende stoffer. Denne type akustiske panel er miljøvenlig, meget udbredt, lydabsorption, godt dekorativ, nem installation, ingen støvforurening osv.

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Stofindpakket akustiske paneler

Stofindpakket akustiske paneler

QDBOSS stofindpakket akustikpanel bruger glasfiberplade af høj kvalitet med forskellige flammehæmmende stoffer. Denne type akustiske panel er miljøvenlig, meget udbredt, lydabsorption, godt dekorativ, nem installation, ingen støvforurening osv.

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Vægpaneler af akustisk stof

Vægpaneler af akustisk stof

QDBOSS Acoustic Fabric Wall Panels use high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. QDBOSS acoustic panel is environmental friendly, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution, widely used, sound absorption, etc.

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Flame Retardant Acoustic Fabric Panel

Flame Retardant Acoustic Fabric Panel

Flame Retardant Acoustic Fabric Panel uses high quality fiberglass board with different flame retardant fabric. This type of acoustic panel is environmental friendly, widely used, sound absorption, well decorative, easy installation, no dust pollution etc.

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